Friday, November 2, 2012

for Camilla...

Tonight, I looked into the face of a young girl, no older than 16.  
I saw past the layers of makeup and the pump heels.  
I looked into the face of one who was scared...feeling intimidated by the older, more experienced women near her and terrified of the men who eyed her as they would a piece of meat.  I saw past the shy smile and flushed cheeks, knowing that somewhere beneath the frail form, innocence hid away.
And for a moment, I was her father. 

Tonight, I saw her sitting on the floor of her bedroom, playing with dolls and stuffed animals.   I saw her riding a bike, running in the park and dreaming of the man she would one day marry. And with a shy smile she would blush when a boy caught her eye.  Wrapped in safety and innocence, without worry of the future she that all was well because she was loved. 
And for a moment, she was my daughter.

Tonight, I saw a young woman, marked by deep scars of rejection and pain...innocence lost
Ravished by loves and one night stands, she was hardened and dull.  A fake untrusting smile fastened to her face where she used to laugh; real laughs.  All her dreams passed long ago, hiding somewhere behind her hollow eyes.  
And for a moment, I saw the Father

Tonight, I saw life reborn in the eyes of a girl who dared to hope again .  Clean and clothed in righteousness, she was full of peace.  And the Creator of Love came and restored innocence, dreams and destiny to her.  She was renewed in mind, body and spirit.  And with new life, she spoke out clearly of the man Jesus; who loves her and makes all things new.  
And now, she is His daughter

(praying for Camila to find herself...lost in love with Jesus)

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