"...whom the son sets free is free indeed..." John 8:36
Working in a friend's yard today when my son and I noticed the neighbors tree. Gnarled and twisted, with major scaring and bumps it had amazingly grown around and into a fence. Now, for those who do not know, I love trees. I find such beauty in their sprawling branches and the unique way they grow. This possessed me with a special interest. When faced with the fence, it integrated and struggled through the growing process in order to attain its stature. I don't think this tree had achieved the fullness of the way it was created to grow. It looks like the years of adapting to the fence was a painful process.
I think this is true for us as humans....when faced with an obstacle. In most cases, we are become complacent and lazy and don't fight the obstacles that present themselves, "It's just part of life." "I'll just make the best of it." and so on. This is not part of abundant life in the spirit. John 10:10 says that the thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus has come to bring abundant life. We must be enabled with the divine revelation of our Heavenly Father, who has given us ALL THINGS, in Christ. And it's through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that we move from captivity, bondage, fear, neglect and "living with the way things have been" to living as ones set free.
Yes Lord! AMEN!